Catch and release

Catch and release in the River Tana

We acknowledge that the salmon populations in the river Tana are overharvested. The local management in the River Tana, Tanavassdragets fiskeforvaltning, introduced catch and release as a way to help the salmon population to reach their spawning targets before the 2012 season. In the 2012 season anglers had to release all female larger than 5 kg/80 cm. In following tributaries all female salmon had to be released; Boulmátjohka, Lákšjohka, Levvajohka og Váljohka.

Be prepared to release salmon  

Catch and release raises new demands for anglers. Anglers have to know how to handle the salmons carefully. They need to bring the right equipment, like a plier, and they have to be prepared for the procedure of releasing the salmon. The aim of releasing the salmon is that it will live on, and spawn successfully. If the salmon are hurt, e.g. bleeding from the gills, it therefore should not be released.

Some advises for catch and release  

TF hope that the anglers take their time to learn how to release fish in a proper way. All the anglers are asked to help each other in situations where salmons are to be released.

  • Bring the fish quickly into reach, or break it off after a couple of runs.
  • When using a landing net, use one with knotless mesh, as it is less harmful to fish scales, gills and eyes.
  • Do not beach the salmon; keep the entire salmon underwater as much as possible.
  • Handle the salmon gently; do not squeeze the fish and avoid touching the gills and eyes. Loss of scales and damage to the gills caused by pressure on the gills or by removal from the water are the most serious injuries a salmon can suffer.
  • Remove the hook gently with pliers.
  • Support the fish under the belly, keeping it in an upright position, underwater and facing into the current.
  • Measure your fish and have a photo taken. Fish that are going to be released should not be weighed. Remember to keep the fish in the water at all times and do not hold the fish vertically by the tail.
  • Be patient. Give the fish as much time as it needs o recover and swim away on its own.
  • Treat all fishes with same respect; small ones too.